Welcome to Marion’s corner of the internet
I am so happy you are here!
For the past 5 years, I have been making art basically non stop. In 2020, I quit my job to be a homesteading housewife that tries to find time to take care of housework in between art projects.
My husband, Michael and I live on a 5.5 acre farm out in the middle of nowhere. We have Lucky and Laila (Akita dogs) that live with us rent free, along with our sweet kitty, Obsidian. Our farm consist of mostly Nigerian Dwarf goats but we also have kunekune pigs. I love to garden and spend time outside when I’m not otherwise occupied with crafting.
In January of 2022, I began a 365 day art challenge for personal art development. A few months into my challenge I practiced digital art and was inspired to re-brand my business that was formerly known as Gracefully Craft Goods. I really wanted to find a color pallet that embodied my art style and a name that covered all of the art forms i enjoyed doing. Not to say my crafts are no longer graceful, but that name really didn’t let you know what I actually do.
So here we are. New name, new look and few new products, but still the same high quality that you know and love!
If you are interested in reading more about Fine and Fiber Arts click here,